Molly McHugh-Chaljub, LCPC

Molly McHugh-Chaljub, LCPC

Molly is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) with 15 years experience in diverse clinical settings including group private practice, community mental health center, Partial Hospitalization/Intensive Outpatient Program, inpatient behavioral health hospital, and residential substance abuse treatment center. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) from St. Mary’s University in Winona, MN and a Masters of Arts Degree (MA) from Adler School of Professional Psychology.

“Today’s world is complex, demanding and ever-changing! Sometimes we need an emotionally safe place where we can ‘hit the pause button’ and ’check in with ourselves’ in a non-judgmental way about our challenges, losses, reactions and relationships. I strongly believe it takes courage to ask for support. When I meet with clients for the first time, my goal is to validate their courage and willingness to begin the therapeutic process that will be uniquely theirs. The therapy journey will begin with an initial assessment of current thoughts, feelings and behaviors that may be obstacles in the client’s life. Together we will identify the goals of treatment and explore the variety of ways these individual goals can be achieved. Being client-centered, I work with clients at their comfort level and pace.”

“I use evidence-based therapeutic treatment approaches including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Trauma-informed therapeutic methods. My clients range from adolescents, young adults and adults. I have extensive experience working with women’s issues as well as transitional life issues for both men and women. I also have extensive experience facilitating DBT Groups and believe the therapeutic group process is powerfully effective, dynamic and fun!”

“My strong Adlerian theoretical approach guides me in helping clients explore biological, psychological, social and spiritual obstacles that may be ‘keeping them struck’, preventing them from healthy problem solving and living the quality of life they dream and deserve.”

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